Suicide In The Family - Experiencing suicide in the family: From grieving to finding triumph

Cassian Dutra Barriga Word University Center. Orleans, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Lucas Korea Press Federal University of Santa Catarina. Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Jaqueline Caetano Belly Verde University Center. Orleans, Santa Catarina, Brazil. José Luis Guedes dos Santos Federal University of Santa Catarina. Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Grace Lisa Federal University of Santa Catarina. Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Corresponding Author: Grace Lessa Email: About the Authors

Suicide In The Family

Suicide In The Family

Qualitative methodological research in the context of constructivist grounded theory. The theoretical sample consisted of 20 participants, including health care professionals and family members of people who had committed suicide. Data were collected from initial and focused coding through in-depth and coded interviews.

I Am Still Here; Suicide Prevention Series

Three categories were obtained: "in a state of shock"; Living with the suffering and consequences of losing a family member; And building life. These types of statements revealed the phenomenon: "Experience the loss of a family member by suicide: from mourning to the search for victory".

Each category represents a stage in a family's experience of losing a family member to suicide. The findings provide support for suicide prevention and outcomes strategies developed by healthcare professionals.

Qualitative method research refers to grounded theory in construct data. The theoretical sample consisted of 20 participants, including health care professionals and family members of people who had committed suicide. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and coded from initial and focused coding.

Three categories were obtained: going into a "state of shock"; Living with Sufrimiento and the effects of losing a family member; and life building. From these types of statements, a trend emerged: "Experience the loss of a family member by suicide: from grief to the search for coping".

Those Left Behind: Working With Suicide Bereaved Families

Each category represents a stage in a family's experience of losing a family member to suicide. The results provide a subsidy for suicide prevention and intervention practices developed by health care professionals.

Conduct qualitative research with a grounded theoretical framework on constructivist data. The theoretical sample consisted of 20 participants, including health care professionals and family members of people who had committed suicide. Data were collected during intensive interviews and coded using preliminary and purposive coding.

Three categories were obtained: going into a "state of shock"; Living with the suffering and consequences of losing a family member; And building life. From this type of statements, the trend emerged: "Experience the loss of a family member by suicide: from mourning to the search for coping".

Suicide In The Family

Each type represents a stage in the family's experience of losing a family member to suicide. The results provide a subsidy for suicide prevention and interventions developed by health professionals.

Families Struggle With Recovery After Attempted Suicide

Suicide is the intentional causing of death. It is a multifactorial phenomenon that can be associated with mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, alcoholism, substance abuse/addiction, and schizophrenia. Hanging, fireworks, poisoning, smoke/fire poisoning and falling from a height are the main forms of suicide.

22 Pampanelli MB, Teng CT. Self-evaluation in a psychological context. Rev Bras Psicol [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2016 Mar 23]; 2(1):41-52. Available at: http:// revpsi .org/wp-content/uploads/201...

Suicide is one of the ten leading causes of death in the world, especially among young people and adults. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (MS- Ministério da Saúde) have recognized it as a serious public health problem because, according to estimates, every year in the world more than one million people. People commit suicide, suicide. going on. Every 40 seconds

33 Oliveira MV, Bezerra Filho JG, Feitosa RFG. Suicide attempts were treated in public health units in Fortaleza-Sierra, Brazil. Rev Salud Publica [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2016 Mar 12]; 16 (5): 683–96. Available:

Those Bereaved By Suicide

. About 75% of cases occur in low- and middle-income countries, and Brazil has the eighth highest suicide rate in the United States, with an average of 5.7 deaths per 100,000 population, the third leading cause of death. External causes in the country

Given these statistics, the goal of suicide prevention is to reduce the number of suicide deaths, as well as to raise public awareness of the need to discuss this topic more and address it more aggressively. No need.

55 Ramos INB, Falcao EBM. Suicide: a little-known topic in medical training. Rev Bras Educ Méd [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2016 Mar 6]; 35(4):507-16. Available: http://pdf/rbem/v35n4/a10v35n4.pdf http:///pdf/rbem/v35n4/a10v...

Suicide In The Family

. For this purpose, important tasks of health education should be developed, such as the interpretation of national and local prevention strategies, informing the population and initiating treatment in cases where mental disorders are largely responsible for the occurrence of cases. Self-destructive action

Recognizing The Warning Signs Of Suicide

As the number of suicides increases, so does the number of bereaved people who need long-term care, because suicide causes suffering to those who have lived there and experienced the effects of suicide.

66 Fukumitsu KO, Kovacs MJ. Learn more about the grieving process for coping with suicide. Psychiatry [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2017 Dec 23]; 47(1):03-12. Available:

. The focus of suicide on the family group attempts to understand the intensity and breadth of this process in the lives of individuals, as it is a group that experiences many different influences that can span the entire lifespan.

77. Buus N, Caspersen J, Hansen R, Stenager E, Fleischer E. Experiences of parents whose sons or daughters have attempted suicide. J Adv Nur [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2017 Apr 17]; 70(4):823-32. Available at:

Suicide Intervention Infographic

Because suicidal behavior cannot be reduced to simple explanations, the grieving process cannot be characterized by a single understanding. Grieving a suicide covers many dimensions, and the way to deal with it depends mainly on the interpersonal relationships of the deceased. Factors influencing the grieving process include the manner of death (sudden or violent), the closeness of the relationship with the bereaved, historical antecedents, and personality and social characteristics.

In this context, the term "postvention" has recently been introduced to refer to cessation, grieving, and activities following a suicidal loss. This includes developing measures to reduce the harm caused by suicide and prevent suffering for future generations.

. It is therefore important that nurses and healthcare professionals are able to engage in self-reflection in a comprehensive and objective manner.

Suicide In The Family

88 Santos JC, Simões RMP, Erse MPQA, Façanha JDN, Marques LAFA. The impact of "+Contigo" training on the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals about suicide. Rev Latino-Am Enferm [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2017 Feb 1]; 22(1):679-84. Available: http:///pdf/rlae/v22n4/en_0104-1169-rlae-22-04-00679.pdf http:///pdf/rlae/v22n4/en_0...

Old And Unrelated Photo Falsely Shared As 'family Committed Suicide Due To Hunger During The Lockdown'

However, a search for Brazilian scientific studies on suicide in the Latin American Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), the Nursing Database (BDENF), the Virtual Health Library (VHL), the Scientific Electronic Library Online () and the National Library of Medicine. (Pubmed) shows There is little scientific evidence for suicide bereavement, as research on risk factors and the role of health professionals dominates

88 Santos JC, Simões RMP, Erse MPQA, Façanha JDN, Marques LAFA. The impact of "+Contigo" training on the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare professionals about suicide. Rev Latino-Am Enferm [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2017 Feb 1]; 22(1):679-84. Available from: http:///pdf/rlae/v22n4/pt_0104-1169-rlae-22-04-00679.pdf http:///pdf/rlae/v22n4/pt_0... 9 Nunes FDD, Pinto JAF, Lopes MECL, Botti NCL. Suicidality trends among surviving family members: an integrative review. Rev Port Enferm Saúde Ment[Internet]. 2016 [cited 2017 Jun 17];(15):17-22. Available from: 10 Minayo MCS, Cavalcante FG. Suicide attempts among older people: a review of the literature (2002/2013). Ciênc Saúde Colet[Internet]. 2015 [cited 2017 Jun 17]; 20(6):1751-62. Available: http://pdf/csc/v20n6/1413-8123-csc-20-06-1751.pdf http:///pdf/csc/v20n6/1413-...

1111 Silva LLT, Alvim CGG, Costa CC, Ramos TM, Costa EE. Adolescent suicide in Brazilian nursing publications: a comprehensive literature review. Rev Enferm Cent Oeste Min[Internet]. 2015 [cited 2017 Jun 17]; 5(3):1871-84. Available:

. Therefore, it is important to promote understanding of how families experience the loss of a member by suicide, as well as to develop interventions for healthcare professionals that aim to promote the receiving, postpartum and mental health of these family members.

Suicide Loss Survivors

99 Nunes FDD, Pinto JF, Lopes MECL, Botti NCL. Suicidality trends among surviving family members: an integrative review. Rev Port Enferm Saúde Ment[Internet]. 2016 [cited 2017 Jun 17];(15):17-22. Available:

Therefore, given that the literature on this topic is still preliminary and understanding the experiences of bereaved family members can help nurses and health professionals practice in this area of ​​care, it is interesting to complete this study. Born to guide. The question was: how does a family experience the loss of a family member due to suicide?

Ethical aspects were followed in accordance with National Health Council Resolution 466

Suicide In The Family

1212 Brazil. Ministry of Health. National Health Council. December 12, 2012 resolution no. 466: Standards for human research [Internet]. 2012 [cited 2017 Dec 23]. Brazil DF. Available:

Pdf) History Of Family Suicide Behaviors And Negative Problem Solving In Multiple Suicide Attempters

. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Centro Universitaria Barriga Verde. Interview participants agreed to sign the condition of informed consent after the research objectives and methodology were explained.

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